Borage (Boraginaceae)
Hoary Puccoon
Lithospermum canescens (Michx.) Lehm.The common name of this prairie plant comes from the presence of tiny hairs that give it a whitish appearance. Indigenous peoples once used Hoary Puccoon as a source of reddish dye used for colouring pottery, baskets, and personal ornaments. The flowers have no noticeable scent, but do provide nectar for long-tongued butterflies and bees in the spring time.
Flower Colour:
- Yellow
Flowering Season:
- Spring
- Summer
Flowering Months:
- April
- June
- May
Canadian Rarity Status:
Not rare. Listed as “sensitive” in Ontario.
Physical Appearance:
This perennial plant has a stout taproot and grows to 40 cm tall. Its 5-9, erect, occasionally branched stems are covered in white hairs. The alternate leaves are bright green, hairy and oval-shaped with pointed tips. Flowers are small and tube-shaped, with five rounded lobes extending outwards. These occur in 1-3 dense, curving clusters, in which the endmost flower blooms first. Fruits are small yellowish-white nuts, each containing a single seed.
Similar Species:
Narrow-leaved Puccoon (Lithospermum incisum Lehm.)
Gardening Notes:
Seeds and/or plants may be available from greenhouses and seed supply companies specializing in native plants. Hoary Puccoon is difficult to germinate from seed, but may be easier from transplants.
Canadian Distribution:
- Manitoba
- Ontario
- Saskatchewan
Prairie Types:
- Mixed Grass Prairie
- Tall Grass Prairie
- Limestone Glades
- Open Woodlands
- Prairies
- Savannahs
Moisture Conditions:
- Dry
Light Preference:
- Part Shade
Soil Preference:
- Sand
Associated Pollinators:
Bee Flies (Bombyliidae)
Brush-footed Butterflies (Nymphalidae)
Bumble, Honey, and other Bees (Apidae (Subfamily Apinae))
Cuckoo Bees (Apidae (Subfamily Nomadinae))
Flower Flies (Syrphidae)
Gossamer-winged Butterflies (Lycaenidae)
Leafcutter and Mason Bees (Megachilidae)
Owlet Moths (Noctuidae)
Skippers (Hesperiidae)
Sphinx and Hawk Moths (Sphingidae)
Swallowtail Butterflies (Papilionidae)
Sweat Bees, Halictid Bees and other Bees (Halictidae)
Whites, Sulfurs, Orangtips, Marbles (Pieridae)